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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/9/11
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/9/11

Meeting Opened at: 7:00pm
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Jonathan Sylbert
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Joe Baker of the Friends of Wilson McLaughlin Committee and Alan Salamon (Planning Board)

The board reviewed Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ weekly report for the week ending 5/7/11 which included:
1.  Checking roads.
2.  Cleaning culverts on Fairview due to a beaver issue.
3.  Grade Mt Hunger, New Marlboro and Harmon Rds.
4.  Mount flags downtown.
5.  Pick up remaining snow fence from around town.
6.  Mow intersections.
7.  Move plows to summer storage.
8.  Repair load cover on OshKosh.
9.  Pick up tree on Sandisfield Rd.
10.  Paint crosswalks and stop lines.
11.  Met with Joe Baker on the WMH driveway and parking lot.
12.  Working on Main Rd. Strap Grant project, chapter 90 reimbursements and Beartown Mtn Rd project plans.

The board reviewed Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus’ weekly report for 5/2 – 5/7/11 which included:
1.  Harassment complaint on Blue Hill Rd; police investigated and the car in question of doing the harassment was the newspaper delivery vehicle and the complaint was unfounded.
2.  Suspicious activity reported on Main Rd.
3.  Assisted the Fire Dept with a call on Blue Hill Rd and a strong gas odor coming from the backyard.  The Fire Dept. turned off the gas tanks and informed the resident to contact the gas company.
4.  Walk in party came in to report an assault and battery on Pixley Rd.  A report was taken and an abuse and prevention order was issued.  An arrest was made.
5.  Assisted a citizen on Blue Hill Rd with phone issues.
6.  Suspicious activity reported on Blue Hill Rd; police investigated and found the complaint to be unfounded. x 4

False Alarms:
1.  Main Rd x 2
2.  Hupi Rd

Traffic stops: 4

1.  Traffic control preparations for the 2011 Connecticut Stage Race on June 4th and 5th have been planned.
2.  See attached letter with regards to a donation of services by the Jaffe’s.  The Jaffe’s, who own Richard Chevrolet in Cheshire, CT and are part time residents of Monterey, have generously offered to replace the transmission in the Blazer at their expense.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  A motion was made to nominate Wayne Burkhart as the Select Board Chairperson for this year, which was seconded and unanimously approved.  Wayne stated that in the several years that this Board has been working together with their diverse backgrounds that it has been pleasant and he hopes that will continue to be the case.
2.  Joe Baker a member of the Friends of Wilson McLaughlin House Committee came in to talk to the Board about the progress of the driveway and the BRPC’s traffic study.  The last decision by the Board was to hold off on installing the driveway since the Board was not in agreement with where it should go and wanted BRPC to perform a traffic study.  Joe stated that Maynard is planning to start the work tomorrow.  Wayne stated that BRPC didn’t talk site distances which are what the Board was looking for.  Jon stated that at this point he doesn’t care where the driveway goes and therefore was stepping away from that issue but felt that everyone needed to decide how good a road was needed (which affects the price now and the price later if the road needs to be moved).  Joe stated that right now Maynard will be installing a one car width road which will be graded with stone underneath and processed gravel on top.  Jon felt the ideal scenario right now was to spend the minimal amount of money on the driveway and use the remainder of the money on getting an adequate supply of water to the property.  The Board asked M. Noe to ask Maynard to email to them a breakdown on the cost estimate for the work being done.  The Board agreed that a traffic study isn’t necessary right now as it is a low traffic location but once we get closer to having a community center then a traffic study will be looked into.  Joe also mentioned that some excavation may need to be done as there is an old septic tank/field there.
3.  Alan Salamon, Planning Board member, came in to state that he was very dismayed at the attitude of the Select Board to the amendment to the bylaws regarding the cell towers.  Jon stated that only one person on the Board spoke to the issue.  He stated that what bothered him was not that the Select Board didn’t support the amendment but that they didn’t have the courtesy to tell the Planning Board what they were planning to say at the town meeting.
Jon spoke to the issue and stated that he didn’t take a position on it at the meeting; his initial response was specific to Maggie’s presentation at the meeting.  He had not intended to say anything until hearing the presentation.  He stated that there were 2 sides to every one of the points made.  He stated that we are going to have cell service but that the decision shouldn’t be made on the 5 points brought up at the meeting.  Jon stated that he did not make a statement that the amendment not be approved, but that it was more likely that 20% of the town would be covered rather than 80%.
Alan commented that town counsel was very helpful as was Brian Domina of BRPC in helping to draft this bylaw amendment.
Jon noted that in speaking to full disclosure, he was very dismayed to learn that a member of the Planning Board was working on writing a bylaw amendment and was in negotiations with AT&T about putting a cell tower on their property.  Jon stated that 2 members of the Board were aware of this and didn’t make everyone else aware of the issue.  Wayne stated that he was in favor of the amendment.  Scott felt that Jon was not 100% behind the amendment when he spoke at town meeting.  He was also in favor of the amendment but didn’t speak to the issue at town meeting because he felt based on the way the conversation was going that the article was going to pass.
4.  The Board discussed the last 2 articles on the town meeting warrant not passing.
5.  Scott noted that Kenn Basler is going to do the food at the pavilion for the Memorial Day festivities.  He also noted that due to his bad knee he is not going to march/walk in the parade but he will be up above working at the pavilion.
6.  The minutes from 5.2.11 were approved as written.
7.  Warrants were signed.
8.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.
9.  Memorial Day parade reminder letters were sent to the coach of the Cal Ripken League, the Fire Chief, Steve Pullen, the Monterey School teacher and the Mt. Everett marching band director.
10.  A letter was signed and will be sent to the BRPC in support of the WiredWest project as part of the Regional Telecommunications network.
11.  Scott asked a few weeks ago about the possibility of moving the Select Board meetings to 5pm for the summer months and wanted to discuss the matter further.  Jon stated that he could start this on June 13th.  A motion was made to start the meetings at 5pm starting June 13th through Labor Day.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  After Labor Day the meetings will go back to starting at 7pm.  M. Noe will send this notice to the Monterey News and post it on the website.
12.  The Board discussed having town counsel meet with them to discuss the next steps with regards to the appeal filed by Charles Ferris on a recent ZBA decision.
13.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  A note from Dean Amidon asking about the wreaths and sound system for Memorial Day.  The Board asked M. Noe to call the florist and order 3 small wreaths for the parade and one large wreath for the ceremony/memorial service which Scott has offered to pick up.  He also requested that the door where the PA system be left unlocked that morning.
b.  A renewal notice for the Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce.  A motion was made to renew the membership which was seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:09pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book